Attached is some info on the Balloon Festival in Centralia, the weekend of August 19th. We will be meeting at the home of Mike and Jeannell Charman on Saturday, the 20th. Time will be announced soon. Take a look at the attached itineraries. Welcome to all members and non-members!
Have we locked down times yet?
I posted the recap, 2022 August Meeting in Centralia, on the website.
It looks like you had quite a bit of fun and good food. I’m sorry I missed this one. Thanks for the update!
Nancy R. Schick
There were quite a few folks who couldn’t make it. Y’all were missed but we look forward to seeing you next time!
Shawnee Skogen members in attendance were:
- Mike & Jeannell
- Wendy & Bill
- Ron & Todd
- Amy & Brad
- Chuck, Jess, Charlotte, and Weston
- Nathan, Christy, Gabe, Amelia, and Garrett
Hopefully I’m not forgetting anyone…
Mike & Jeannell also had some company but someone more social will have to share their relations. I believe one was Mike’s daughter? One was a family friend?
Very good pictures! Looks like everyone had a good time!
Melody A. Johnsen
953 S. Morgan Street
Olney,Illinois 62450
Mike’s cousin was there with hubby - Bev and Ian Darby.
and friends, Nancy and ? from Centralia.